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Water Monitoring and Assessments


PRWC is one of a number of volunteer groups statewide who contribute water quality data to the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP).  DEEP is mandated by the Federal Clean Water Act to monitor water quality of the State’s rivers and streams. Working together, and following established protocols for monitoring, PRWC and other groups are able collect water quality data to fulfill both state and local monitoring objectives.

Stream assessments within the Pomperaug Watershed support comprehensive evaluation of the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of the watershed in relation to human health, ecological conditions, and designated water uses. Documenting such characteristics will help establish cause-and-effect relationships, evaluate the effectiveness of current and future remediation and restoration activities, provide input for management tools such as models, and support scientifically-based decisions for preserving and improving the quality of our local water resources.


For a more comprehensive look at water quality conditions in Connecticut, refer to CT DEEP’s most recent Integrated Water Quality Report to Congress.

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