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One Good Idea

  • Discover Good Ideas that improve your soil, land, and bottom line. One Good Idea is a multimedia clearinghouse where farmers can learn from other farmers about how to be successful and profitable with soil health and other stewardship practices. Because sometimes all you need to start or succeed is that one good idea. One Good Idea is a collaborative effort between farmers and University of Wisconsin-Madison Extension specialists from across the U.S. Midwest and Mid-South to help all farmers make a difference for their operations, their communities, and the world.

Best Management Practices by Topic

General Conservation

Guide to Conservation Planning for Agricultural Lands, USDA & National Conservation Planning Partnership

Water Quality Best Practices Overview, USDA

Conservation Success Stories, USDA library of 2-minute videos highlighting a variety of successful conservation practices at work.

Protect and Invest in Your Land and Resources Technical Assistance for Planning Your Agricultural Business

The Nine-Step Conservation Planning Process, NRCS

Agricultural Conservation Easement Program (ACEP), USDA 

Permanently Protecting Agricultural Farmland through Easements, Connecticut Farmland Trust

Manure Management

Revised winter and wet weather manure spreading guidelines to reduce water contamination risk, Cornell University, Publication No. 245 (Dec 2015)

"Winter Manure Bans Begin Going into Effect" American Agriculturalist (Dec 2019). Highlights winter manure spreading bans and guidelines in the Northeast.

Equestrian Facilities
Good Horse Keeping - Best Practices Manual for Protecting the Environment, CT Horse Environmental Awareness Program (2011)

Agricultural Management Practices for Commercial Equine Facilities, State University of NJ - Rutgers Cooperative Extension, Bulletin E296 (May 2004)

How to Properly Manage Manure by Dr. Jenifer Nadeau, Equine Extension Specialist University of Connecticut

How Horse Enthusiasts Can Help Protect Water Bodies by Dr. Jenifer Nadeau, Equine Extension Specialist University of Connecticut

Pasture: Planning, Seeding and Sacrifice Areas by Dr. Jenifer Nadeau, Equine Extension Specialist University of Connecticut

Pasture: Evaluation and Management of Existing Pasture by Dr. Jenifer Nadeau, Equine Extension Specialist University of Connecticut

Soil Conservation 

Soil Health Best Practices Overview, USDA
USDA Healthy, Productive Soils Checklist for Growers, USDA

No-till Vegetable Production, by Shuresh Ghimire, Extension Vegetable Specialist, U-Conn Extension, May 2020

Soil Nutrient Analysis, UCONN College of Agriculture, Health, and Natural Resources

Pasture Rotation

Four Steps to Rotational Grazing, Penn State Extension, College of Agricultural Sciences, 2000.

Pest Control

Integrated Pest Management Program, UConn Extension. Look for categorical fact sheets relevant to fruit, vegetable, nursery, and others.

Streamside Buffers 

The Importance of Streamside Buffers by Rivers Alliance of Connecticut

Lake and Stream Corridor Owners’ Guide for Riparian Buffer Establishment, Southeast Michigan Resource Conservation & Development Council
Benefits of Buffers Presentation by Pomperaug River Watershed Coalition (June 2022).

Climate Change

USDA Climate Hub – Northeast Region

USDA Climate Hub - Northeast Region - Water Quality

USDA Climate Hub – Northeast Region - Storms and Stream Crossings

USDA Climate Change, Your Forest, and You (Northeast)

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