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Watershed Overflowing with Thanks

InFlow-Line Fall 2015

The Pomperaug River Watershed Coalition (PRWC) recently celebrated its past year of accomplishments during its Annual Benefit. William Hildreth hosted the event at the Mill House Gardens and Antiques in Woodbury and we were privileged once again to have Faith Middleton serve as our Honorary Chair. The Berkshire Jazz Orchestra provided the perfect blend of music to highlight this year’s theme of Jazz On The River.

It was an honor for PRWC to bestow the Dr. Marc Taylor Environmental Stewardship Award to Tom Crider, Southbury Land Trust President.

PRWC wishes to sincerely thank all event attendees and the many dedicated volunteers along with those that donated and purchased auctioned goods and services.

We would like to recognize our sponsors: (Gold) Classic Turf; Connecticut Community Foundation; Connecticut Water Company; Giuliano Richardson & Sfara, LLC; Kevin & Alicia Bennett; Milone & MacBroom, Inc.; Thule Inc.; (Silver) Civil 1; Gager, Emerson, Rickart, Bower & Scalzo, LLP; Ion Bank; Newtown Savings bank; Southbury Village Square; Woodbury Green South; (Bronze) Diversified Financial Solutions PC; Hine Bros. Inc.; Southbury Dental Care and Waterbury Hospital.

The funding for this event along with the assistance we receive throughout the year from all of our Coalition Partners and Supporters allows us to continue to use good science, offer community outreach programs and grow our youth education and internship programs for the betterment of our local water resources. On behalf of the PRWC Board of Directors, Advisory Council and staff, we thank you!

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