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Join us for a walk around Transylvania Pond!

I suspect that I’m not alone in bidding farewell to the March Nor’easters and welcoming the warmth of springtime and all that our beautiful Pomperaug watershed affords us. Shortly the fishing equipment will appear at my home as “opening day” arrives. So too, I’ll locate my walking stick as I venture out with family and friends on hiking trails through spectacular lands dotting the watershed. These lands have been preserved as open space and stream protection buffers by our municipal and conservation partners. I’ll locate a spot to reflect along the water’s edge by some of the most well cared for and highest quality rivers and streams in Connecticut. I’ll bring along and enjoy water from my public water supply tap knowing the critical importance that river protection stewardship has on the groundwater below and the water we drink. And there is so much more… At PRWC we strive to be true to our mission to use sound science and educational outreach for the protection of our local water resources. Our nearly two year collaborative effort in regard to State-wide water resource planning along with our local focus toward an EPA-approved watershed based plan are but two examples of how we have recently and effectively used science. On April 21, in partnership with the Town, as part of our educational outreach we’ll again host Woodbury Earth Day, the largest celebration of its kind in the State. And shortly, our Dr. Marc Taylor Internship and Youth Conservation Corps programs will be kicking off. And there is so much more… As a coalition-based organization none of our accomplishments happen without our volunteers, community partners, sponsors and donors. For that support I am sincerely appreciative. I hope that you agree that our work toward the protection of our water resources is the best way we can thank you. I invite you to visit our website or give us a call. Please do find that fishing pole or walking stick and enjoy the beauty of our watershed. There is truly so much more… Gratefully, Len

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