Flowing through the heart of our community, the Pomperaug River provides us with miles of scenic beauty and our most vital resource: Water. Each hike in the “River Ramblers” series invites people to explore a variety of public lands along the river to observe habitat and wildlife and to see different river processes in action. During these outings, we will also take a look at the cultural and geological history unique to each site, the dynamic nature of the Pomperaug River, and steps we can take to be good river stewards. While Southford Falls is outside the Pomperaug watershed there is plenty of opportunity to learn about river processes that apply to the Pomperaug and elsewhere. Programs are rain or shine (thunderstorms will cancel). Dress for outside, bring water and snacks. This hike is will take place on August 19 and start at 3pm and go until 5pm.