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State Water Plan Update

Connecticut State Water Plan

The draft State Water Plan will return to the CT Legislature during it next session for further consideration. It is unclear how an executive order issued earlier this year by the Governor, which directed the State Water Planning Council not to make any changes to the previously submitted Plan, will impact the ultimate outcome of the Legislature’s review. There is good news to report in that the implementation of the higher priority elements of the Plan is getting underway with the formation of an Implementation Workgroup. PRWC assisted with the development of that workgroup.

You can locate a copy of the Final Draft Connecticut State Water Plan at the following link: Although it is a very large document, we encourage you to review as much of the material as you have the time for while underscoring that the executive summary will give you a good understanding of the SWP. The link above also provides you with an opportunity to review comments on the SWP as provided by PRWC and others.

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