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9-Element Pomperaug Watershed Based Plan Finalized and Approved

Final Pomperaug Watershed Based Plan Now Available Online

At the end of September, PRWC adopted the final Pomperaug Watershed Based Plan (WBP or Plan) prepared with support from Fuss & O’Neill, an environmental consulting firm. The focus of this EPA-approved, 9-element WBP is to reduce the amount of bacteria entering the local streams which are listed as impaired by CT Department of Energy and Environmental Protection and EPA.

The Plan serves as a guidance document that seeks to resolve surface water quality impairments and related water resource issues within the Pomperaug watershed. This document is not intended to "point fingers" but is to help make all aware of how individual and collective actions are interconnected and can impact the Pomperaug’s water resources.

The recommendations in this Plan for specific projects/actions are intended to be voluntary undertakings, carried out with willing, cooperative partners, working together to protect and improve water quality. Towards this end, this Plan identifies potential partners and funding sources to assist with achieving the recommendations presented, which include implementation of best management practices, enhanced education and outreach programs, and expanded stream monitoring efforts. To view the Plan, visit:

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