Complexities surrounding the ongoing development of Connecticut’s first State Water Plan present public communication challenges. With work on the State Water Plan coinciding with state-wide drought planning, as well as with the progression of water utility coordinated plans within three distinct areas of the State, it is understandable that there is confusion regarding the State Water Plan. What briefly follows is intended both to help clarify the purpose of and encourage your participation in the State Water Plan.
The State Water Plan will address numerous planning needs as identified within Public Act 14-163. While these address drought and include critical public water supply planning, the State Water Plan is targeted to be far more reaching and balanced and will include the environmental protection of our water resources while taking into account economic needs within the State. The Public Act charged the Connecticut Water Planning Council with submitting the State Water Plan to the Connecticut General Assembly no later than January 1, 2018.
Key stakeholders, including the Pomperaug River Watershed Coalition, with varied interests in water use have been actively engaged in the planning process through numerous committees and workgroups. Highly credentialed consultants, who have developed similar water plans across the country, have taken the lead role with assisting the Water Planning Council in preparing the State Water Plan. At a recent public meeting on the development of the State Water Plan in Southbury, Water Planning Council Chairman Jack Betkoski recognized the State Legislature and the Governor for their support of the State Water Plan. He thanked workgroup members for their effort and the public for its comments while encouraging even greater public participation.
With the framework in place to develop a meaningful State Water Plan, please participate. This is our State Water Plan. Please visit http://www.ct.gov/water/ to learn more.