Education programs have long been PRWC’s hallmark, and this year was no exception! In October, PRWC collaborated and led a number school education programs that reached students from 3rd grade up to the college level.
On October 24, PRWC collaborated with Earth Tones Native Plant Nursery, Eastern Water Solutions, and CT DEEP to present the in-school field trip, Make a Splash Day, at Woodbury Middle School. Tying in the 7th grade studies of watersheds in the day-long event, guest speakers lead activities discussing topics such as non-point source water pollution, water-borne disease, groundwater, and rain gardens.
Pomperaug River Watershed Coalition collaborated with ASAP!’s Metamorphosis Project for the Children’s Community School in Waterbury. The project aims to intertwine the environment, academics, and arts through creative and immersive projects. With a field trip for grades 3-6 to the Trolley Bed Preserve on October 18, students participated in hands on learning with PRWC on the Leavenworth Conservation Trail. This year’s project focus was “Earth Ambassadors.” PRWC presented two of its many programs on “Future Landscapes- Human Land Uses and Ecosystem Impacts” and “Forested Ecosystems- Weaving the (Food) Web.”
On October 11, PRWC presented to students in the Low Impact Development (LID) and Engineering classes taught by MaryAnn Haverstock at The Gunnery School. These high school students are using Pomperaug Watershed Based Plan as a textbook and PRWC’s visit offered more information on the organization and discussion about a future service learning project focused on trail and other preserve infrastructure for Steep Rock Association’s property along Sprain Brook. The students will also be evaluating their campus to identify places they can implement LID practices like rain gardens or swales to reduce runoff.
Naugatuck Valley Community College hosted PRWC Executive Director, Carol Haskins, to present on “Soil, Water, and Erosion” in a Soil Science class. Carol included a focus on landscaping for water quality to tailor the presentation to many of the horticulture track students while discussing water quality and maintaining pre-development hydrology.
Earlier in the Spring, PRWC and New Morning Market co-hosted a free Private Drinking Water Wells 101 workshop. The event provided information to private well owners on the basics of where the water comes from, how their well operates and testing the quality of their well. Speakers, including Tiziana Shea of CT DPH Environmental Health Private Well Program, presented on sampling, analysis, and treatment options of home well water.