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CT DEEP Releases Public Comments and Responses to the Integrated Water Quality Report Draft

Pomperaug River Watershed Coalition had submitted comments on the draft of Integrated Water Quality Report released by DEEP. Carol Haskins submitted comments on behalf of PRWC, in particular, regarding Transylvania Brook. Two bridges along the brook were updated allowing for aquatic life passage and PRWC has asked that the brook be considered for removal from the Impaired Waters List.

"Comment #18:The assessment result of segment CT6806-00_01, Transylvania Brook (Southbury)-01 listed in Appendix A-1 indicates that use for Aquatic Life is Not Supporting. Appendix B-4 lists the cause for this being “Flow Regime Impairment”. While we agree with this designation based on the timing of the assessments included within this report, we want to applaud the Town of Southbury for addressing the culverts located at the mouth of this stream where it joins into the Pomperaug River (East Flat Hill Road). The culverts were both undersized and perched, creating a significant barrier for passage of fish and wildlife. In 2019, the culverts were replaced with a bridge. In 2018, a similar barrier located at the Spruce Brook Road crossing was also converted to a bridge. Together, the new crossings should alleviate the Not Supporting designation for Aquatic Life. That is, assuming the previously listed cause for this impairment (Ammonia (Unionized), Chlorine, Copper, Zinc) is no longer considered a factor. As you know, the waste water treatment plant that was the source of these pollutants was taken fully offline in 2013. We ask that DEEP continues regular monitoring and assessment of this segment with the anticipation that it should soon be delisted from the Impaired Waters List.

Response: The Department will add Transylvania Brook for consideration in our 2021 Work Plan."

The comments and responses by DEEP can be viewed here. Full comments submitted by Carol Haskins with responses from DEEP are found on page 8 of the document.

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