Volunteers Needed For Cedarland Park Cleanup!
Help the Pomperaug River Watershed Coalition remove invasive plants and beautify the park.
The focus for the 2016 season is to remove invasive plants in and along Spring Brook, which flows through the park into the Pomperaug allowing room for the native plants to flourish.
The work is part of a larger vision to rehabilitate both environmental and recreational elements of the neighborhood park and create a model streamside buffer.
Volunteers should dress for potentially getting their feet wet and be aware of ticks and poison ivy on the project site.
Volunteers are encouraged to bring a water bottle, a pair of work gloves and garden tool of choice such as a shovel, garden rake, or spade.
Snacks and water will be available.
Meet at Cedarland Park, bring gloves and garden tool of choice. This is an opportunity to learn more about our environment and to keep it healthy. Everyone is welcome!
More information about the project and the help needed is available by emailing outreach@pomperaug.org or calling 203-263-0076.