Riparian Habitat Restoration at Cedarland Park
In 2013, Pomperaug River Watershed Coalition’s (PRWC) Stream Committee identified Cedarland Park as an ideal location for creating a model riparian buffer. The overall project has focused on invasive plant removal and replanting the river and stream banks with native vegetation. These vegetated buffers serve to absorb and slow the flow of rising water during flood conditions, reduce stream bank erosion, provide shade for the river, and provide food and habitat for wildlife. After much hard work and dedication on the parts of PRWC, community partners and volunteers the main project is coming to a close.
This summer along with the invasive plant removal and native plantings three other major accomplishments are underway. Two sets of stone steps will be installed, allowing visitors easy access to the Pomperaug River. Amazingly the largest of these stones weighs a whopping ten tons, that’s the same as five large cars or 2,400 gallons of water. Additionally, an educational sign will be installed to inform visitors of the importance of the native streamside buffer.
While PRWC is focused on the river environment, it is working with the Town of Southbury and other community partners to address recreational and other infrastructure within the park. Eagle Scout candidates looking for a project are encvouraged to contact us as there are numerous opportunities at this sitre. The overall design incorporates the neighborhood’s input as it was collected by Southbury Parks and Recreation, as well as historical information garnered from Town records.
The future for this site is promising. It will be used as a model streamside buffer to educate local property owners. Visitors can continue to enjoy the park and access to the Pomperaug River.
As a community-based project with a limited amount of funding, volunteer help has been essential in establishing a healthy streamside buffer and in stewarding the overall vision. Volunteers are needed to continue maintenance of the buffer by removing invasive species, so that the native species will continue to flourish. To volunteer or for more information about the project and the help needed, email or call 203-263-0076.