Drought Advisory Remains In Effect
OFFICE OF POLICY & MANAGEMENT: CONNECTICUT INTERAGENCY DROUGHT WORKGROUP KEEPS DROUGHT ADVISORY IN EFFECT AND ENCOURAGES WATER CONSERVATION The statewide Drought Advisory issued on June 27 continues to remain in effect at the recommendation of the Connecticut Interagency Drought Workgroup, which met last week to reassess conditions. All residents and businesses should be mindful of water use and limit unnecessary water usage. “This summer has been one of the hottest and driest on record in Connecticut, with only 75% of normal precipitation during the past three months. This follows a dry spring and a winter with little snowpack, which led to the issuance of a Drought Advisory in June,” said OPM spokesperson Chris McClure. “As a result, stream flows and groundwater levels in many locations are at or near record low levels. The pattern of diminished precipitation continues and the impacts have been amplified by record breaking temperatures. While residents should not be alarmed, they should be mindful of their water consumption and take sensible steps to stretch our water supplies and reduce impacts on other water uses and on the environment.”
For up-to-date information on the drought and stream flow conditions please also visit our website’s “Water Watch”. For those who receive public water supply from utilities, please stay tuned for information and updates from them. Thank you!