In earlier communications we noted that PRWC has been a local “voice at the table” in matters pertaining to the development of Connecticut’s first State Water Plan. The Plan is being prepared in two phases. Phase I will soon be completed and includes an assessment of current conditions and practices along with prioritizing future planning issues. Phase II of the Plan will develop consensus-based policy recommendations where possible, identify pathways to address unresolved planning needs, and formulate a decision framework for solving existing and future water issues.
As a member of the Water Planning Council Advisory Group and the Science & Technical Committee, PRWC has highlighted and provided data on water issues of importance to us such as streamflow, groundwater withdrawals, and drought. Public Act 14-163 charged the CT Water Planning Council with delivering a completed State Water Plan to the General Assembly by January 1, 2018. Since this is our State Water Plan, your assistance with the development of the Plan is also encouraged through public meeting participation or by submitting written comments. To learn more please visit or contact us.
Photo caption: Recent local drought conditions, like those seen on the Weekeepeemee in 2015, have been highlighted in developing the State Water Plan. This Plan aims to balance the needs of public water supply, economic development,recreation and ecological health, and to provide a framework for improved or more efficient water management in the future.