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PRWC Files Testimony With The Legislative Environmental Committee In Response To Raised Senate Bill

Catskills Watershed Management Collaborative

PRWC filed Testimony in Objection to the Act with the Legislative Environmental Committee today in response to Raised Senate Bill No. 427 - AN ACT CONCERNING PUBLIC TRUST COMPONENTS OF THE STATE WATER PLAN. Raised Senate Bill 427 is not consistent with the balanced goals of the State Water Plan and it is destructive to the citizens of the State of Connecticut by damaging the core understanding of all water being protected as a natural resource. It arbitrarily singles one of the numerous ways water is used in the State by calling for the exemption of “private wells” thereby challenging the definition of public trust. Furthermore, the use of the term “private wells” is fraught with uncertainty. This Bill will cause public health, environmental and economic hardships for the residents of our State. PRWC strongly objects to this Bill and requests that it be denied.

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