Community House Park Rain Garden Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
Pomperaug River Watershed Coalition (PRWC) hosted May’s Start Your Day with SBA (Southbury Business Association) event at Community House Park in Southbury. The morning networking coffee hour showcased the completed rain garden that was installed last summer by PRWC’s Youth Conservation Corps. The ribbon cutting ceremony served to highlight the many benefits of rain gardens and other low impact development practices which help reduce runoff, recharge the aquifer, and keep rivers healthy. Numerous project partners including the Town of Southbury’s Parks and Recreation Department, Public Works Department, Land Use Office, and Board of Selectmen; Rivers Alliance of Connecticut, Connecticut Community Foundation, Earth Tones Native Plant Nursery and Landscaping were also recognized and thanked for their outstanding collaboration.
The rain garden was made possible through a Watershed Assistance Small Grant Program grant funded in part by the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection through a United States Environmental Protection Agency Clean Water Act Section 319 Nonpoint Source Grant, and administered by Rivers Alliance of Connecticut. To learn more about rain gardens and other ways to protect your water resources click here