Opportunity to Participate in CT' DEEP's Integrated Water Quality Report
CT DEEP has released their draft of the 2020 Integrated Water Quality Report and has extended an invitation for public comment.
Why is this report important to water quality in Connecticut? It reports on the findings of water quality assessments and identify impaired water bodies (streams, rivers, lakes and ponds). In addition, it reports on the plans that CT DEEP has developed to do something about impaired water bodies. To get started on the basics of the report, use this fact sheet.
Submission of public comments due Friday, June 19, 2020. CT DEEP will be hosting a ZOOM public information meeting on Friday, June 5, 2020 at 10:30 AM -12:00 PM. Pre-registration is not required.
Find PRWC's comments to DEEP on the IWQR here.